Environmental impact

A contribution to a healthy planet

“Contributing to your child’s health while acting in favor of the planet – that’s the double benefit of choosing cloth diapers.
With this in mind, Tamaro Diallo created Katchoo, with the major aim of having a significant and immediate impact on waste reduction.

Opting for Katchoo’s services means making a commitment to stop polluting and become an eco-responsible parent.
Discover below some key figures that highlight the environmental importance of cloth diapers.”

The colossal impact of disposable diapers

diaper / baby until potty training

On average, each baby uses 4,700 disposable diapers before reaching potty training, generating thousands of items of waste with an average of 4 to 5 changes per day.
This figure underlines the considerable environmental impact of this daily practice.

Kilos of waste / child

Over the two and a half years it takes for a baby to become potty-trained, this amounts to a tonne of non-recyclable waste per child.
Each disposable diaper contributes around 200 grams of waste, often incinerated or buried, taking up to 500 years to fully degrade.

Billions of diapers thrown away / per year

In France alone, 3.5 billion diapers are thrown away every year, representing 700,000 tonnes of waste.
Eco-responsible” diapers are no exception, as legislation does not allow human excrement to be composted, and these diapers are not entirely biodegradable.

What about the results of cloth diapers?

  • 318 136 L d'eau économisés / enfant

    Loin du mythe du gaspillage d'eau, les couches lavables permettent au contraire d'économiser beaucoup d'eau, à condition de suivre les instructions de lavage. contrairement aux couches jetables produites à partir de cellulose, les couches lavables permettent d'économiser près de la moitié de la quantité d'eau utilisée au quotidien (13 800 L contre 25 000 L).

  • 4.5 arbres non abattus / enfant

    La production des couches jetables repose sur la cellulose, provenant de nos arbres. Les 4 700 couches mentionnées précédemment équivalent à l'utilisation de l'équivalent de 4.5 arbres. Ces arbres, qui restent debout grâce à l'adoption de couches lavables, contribuent à la préservation des forêts et de la biodiversité.

  • 67 kg de pétrole brut économisés / enfant

    Les éléments en plastique des couches proviennent du pétrole. On estime un gain de 67 kg de pétrole brut si on passe en lavable. En optant pour les couches lavables, non seulement vous contribuez à la réduction de la dépendance aux combustibles fossiles, mais vous participez également à la préservation de l'environnement.

Overall, cloth diapers are :

50% less water consumption

93% fewer greenhouse gas emissions

80% less electricity consumption

90% less wood consumption

90% less depletion of non-renewable resources

Free yourself from the constraints of layer cleaning.

Whether you’re a parent-to-be or already a parent with young children, Katchoo can transform your daily life with its eco-friendly diaper-cleaning solutions.

Book a free consultation now and find out how Katchoo can simplify your life as a parent!