Frequently asked questions

Do you have any questions about cloth diapers and our cleaning and home delivery services?
You’ve come to the right place!

Consult our FAQ section for answers to the questions most frequently asked by our customers.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.
We’re here to help you make the most of the cloth diapering experience.

We mainly serve downtown Montreal and surrounding areas, depending on the service.

you’ll receive all-in-ones for newborns from birth.
after that, it’s pocket diapers.
you’ll be able to put 1-2 inserts in them, depending on your preferences (the inserts are also included) – these are the beautiful la petite ourse® and charlie banana® diapers.
they’re just fantastic! you’ll see 😉

You will receive 40 diapers initially, then the equivalent of 10 diapers per day.
After that, it all depends on your consumption.

Cloth diapers smell much less than disposables.
even less so with newborns.
the bag is airtight, with a zipper.
paradoxically, the more it’s aired, the less it smells.

With pleasure 🙂

Of course! we can free you from this fradeau 🙂 click on the ‘consultation’ button at the top right of the screen for a free, no-obligation telephone consultation.

You can receive your diapers in less than 3 days.

Can't find the answer to your question?

Contact us for further information or to discuss your specific requirements.
Our team is here to help you quickly and efficiently.
At Katchoo, your satisfaction is our priority.